“Come and See” - John 1:39
Welcome to Emmanuel Parish, the Episcopal Church in Braintree, Massachusetts.
Emmanuel Parish is a place of worship for all members of the community on their spiritual journey as Christians.
Our mission is to welcome and encourage all persons to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, to love, accept, and minister to each other, and to reach out and serve those in need.
All are welcome!
Sunday Worship Services:
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite I
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist - Rite II
Holidays and special services as announced:
“Whether you are curious and here to see, weary and here to rest, grateful and here to share, hurting and here for solace, listening and here to pray, seeking and here for answers, we welcome you; and, we are glad that you are here.”
- Father Thomas P. Mulvey, Jr.
Upcoming events
5 PM Service & Potluck Dinner
We will be hosting our 5th Sunday
5 PM Worship Service & Potluck Dinner on Sunday March 30th!Father Mulvey will also be here for the 8 am & 10 am services.
Easter Flower Orders
It's that time of year again to order your Easter Flowers! Plants are $25 each, with a choice of lilies, tulips, or daffodils. Anyone choosing daffodils is asked to please list a second choice in case they are not available.
Orders are due by Sunday, April 6th, and can be submitted via Google Form: https://forms.gle/zJVfK7jiA7WEVrnK9 or via the signup sheet on the landing. Don't miss out on these beautiful plants! -
Spare Change Drive!
Donate your spare change and help us repair our roof! Drop your spare change in the new collection box on the wall in the downstairs lobby, or bring in those bigger jars of change any Sunday to be added to the drive! We’re trying to reach $5,000, so watch the thermometer on the bulletin board outside Dallinger Hall to track our progress! Every single penny is appreciated – small change helps in a BIG way!