
As Rector of this wonderful faith community, I welcome you to Emmanuel Parish, the Episcopal Church in the greater Braintree, Massachusetts area. 

Whether you are curious and here to see, weary and here to rest, grateful and here to share, hurting and here for solace, listening and here to pray, seeking and here for answers, we welcome you; and, we are glad that you are here.

Emmanuel Parish operates on a model of shared ministry. Together, our clergy and laity respect and care for each other as individuals. We actively work to build relationships that transcend age, race, gender, sexual orientation, wealth, and politics. We find in each other the support, strength, and joy that can only be known in a community of faith. Our parish mission is to welcome and encourage all persons to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ; to love, accept, and minister to each other; and, to reach out and serve those in need.

Join us won’t you? You are home at last!

Father Thomas P. Mulvey, Jr.